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New [Money] Goals for the New Year

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The new year has officially started and I’m not sure about you, but I couldn’t be more grateful. 2020 was filled with a lot of unexpected events and stress. Although many of us found ways to remain grateful and achieve things we are proud of, I’m glad 2020 is over and am really looking forward to this new year.

At the start of each year, I always make a list of goals I want to accomplish. This year is no different. One of the main categories of things I plan to improve in 2021 are my finances. If you’re also thinking of improving your finances in 2021, here are some money goals to consider:

1. Cut back on unnecessary expenses. I realize this sounds vague but for me it’s all-encompassing. Although I did a good job in 2020 saving and investing money in separate accounts, one the things I want to do better in 2021 is spend less money on things I don’t need. Although I do plan to enjoy my life, I want to be more diligent with my discretionary spending. Particularly, when it comes to my love for wine and guilty pleasure of buying new clothes. Do you also feel you should spend less money on unnecessary things in 2021? If so, what things do you think you can cut back on? What kind of plan are you going to put in place to ensure that you follow through on this goal?

2. Pay off one of my debts. One of my life goals is to become completely debt free. Although paying off all of my student loans (or getting them forgiven) may be a long way away, one of the things I plan to do in 2021 is pay off at least one of my debts. Since I bought a slightly used car a year ago, one of my goals has been to pay it off relatively quickly-which I should be able to do next month. What about you? Do you have a car loan, credit card balance, or student loan that you can attempt to pay off in 2021? If so, consider putting a plan in place so that you can achieve this goal by the end of the year.

3. Establish additional revenue streams to increase my income. 2020 reminded us that our jobs and our current incomes can change. One of the things I want to do in 2021 is become more financially secure by increasing my current income. Although an increase in salary is dependent on my job and other forces I can’t control, one of the things I can control is money that I make outside of my job. For me, that means making more money from blogging or working extra shifts at other medical facilities for added income. For you, it may mean, finding a way to monetize your hobbies and make additional revenue outside of your day job. Creating other income sources gives you more financial protection, allows you to save more money, and makes you less reliant on your day job. Are there additional revenue streams you can explore this year?

4. Save money for a large purchase or fun trip. 2020 taught us that life is unpredictable. Since our health and lives can change, one of my 2021 goals is to enjoy my time off from work more by doing something that makes me really happy: traveling. Since I didn’t get to travel nearly as much as I had planned to last year, in 2021 I plan to make up for lost time, if possible. One of the ways I’m preparing for this is by saving even more money from each check into a “vacation fund” so that I can travel to various places without incurring debt. What about you? Do you plan to travel somewhere in 2021? If so, perhaps you too should start saving even more money into a travel fund. If travel isn’t as important to you, is there an expensive item or gadget that you’ve wanted to purchase?

5. Invest more money by contributing more to retirement. Along with decreasing my debts and saving up money to enjoy a nice trip, I also want to increase my net worth. The two main ways to increase your net worth is to lower your liabilities (aka pay down debt) and increase your assets (purchase things like stocks, real estate, or business that allow your money to increase in value). One of the ways I plan to increase my assets is by investing more money in my retirement accounts, especially my Roth IRA. Contributions in Roth accounts grow and are withdrawn tax free which serve as a huge advantage when I take the money out in retirement. By contributing more to retirement via these Roth accounts, I can invest more money in index mutual funds (which are groups of thousands of different stocks) in a tax efficient manner. This will allow my money to make even more money over time, which will increase my net worth. Are you planning to contribute more to retirement this year?

6. Give more money to charity. One of the things that surprised me last year was how much joy I got from giving. Whenever I sent money or bought someone a gift, I would think of the person’s reaction to the gift or be reminded of how much I was helping someone else and instantly be filled with happiness . As a physician, I’ve been blessed in many ways and one of my 2021 goals is to give more and “pay it forward” to others. Tell me, have you thought about giving more to others? If so, what type of gifts or contributions are you planning to make in 2021?

Tell me, what are some of your 2021 money goals?


How to use money to buy more happiness

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There’s no guarantee that having money will make us happier but as someone who has been through periods where I was broke and others were I was a financially stable, I certainly prefer the later. Although having money doesn’t guarantee us happiness, Jonathan Clements’ book How to Think About Money teaches us that there are certain ways we can use the money we have to increase our happiness.

1. Spend money on others. I know this seems odd, but numerous studies in his book show that we get more happiness and lasting enjoyment when we spend money on other people instead of buying things for ourselves. Most of us have a few people in our lives that we care about. Using our money on those people in a way that brings them joy can make us even happier than we anticipate. Using our money towards a social cause we are passionate about or helping a group of people who is less fortunate can give us the sense that we are promoting goodness in the world which can provide a lasting feeling of happiness and self-contentment.

2. Focus on experiences rather than possessions. If we have money and would like to purchase something for ourself, his book states that we get more gratification when we spend money on experiences instead of possessions. In other words, we can get more satisfaction and lasting joy when we forgo buying “things” and choose instead to create memories and lasting experiences. So instead of buying the latest iphone, designer clothes, or new shoes, we would get more “bang for our buck” if we instead used our money to travel to another place, go to a fun concert, or participate in an exciting activity.”

When we use our money on experiences we get 3 sources of happiness. The first source of happiness is anticipation of doing the fun thing (knowing you have an experience planned brings us happiness from the day we decide to do the activity until the time the activity begins). We get another source of happiness by actually “doing” the activity (we have fun during the experience). Lastly, we get happiness from memories of the experience (even after it ends, the memory of that experience brings us happiness). Moral of the story: spending money on experiences and good times can make us extremely happy and that happiness has a lasting effect

3. Delay purchases (to build anticipation) If we do decide that we want to spend money on ourselves and buy some “thing” instead of an experience, there is a way to do this so that we get maximal happiness from the purchase. We should first: delay the purchase to build anticipation. I know this sounds counterintuitive in our age of impatience and desire for instant gratification, but it works. According to Clements’ book, we adapt to both good and bad things in our life relatively quickly.

For example, we get a new phone and are happy but after a couple weeks, it no longer makes us smile inside when we pull it out to text. We get assigned to a different division at work and at first it seems challenging but before we know it, we adjust to the demands and it no longer seems as difficult as it once was. The same thing happens with purchases. Because we adjust to things in our lives relatively easily it behooves us to delay this adjustment and build anticipation, since as we learned in the previous section, the mere thought of knowing we are going to get or experience something enjoyable actually makes us happy. We can put a timeline in place and tell ourself that we’ll buy that thing in a week or during our next pay period and the anticipation of being able to get that thing during the allotted time will actually bring us more lasting happiness than if we were to just buy it as soon as possible.

4. Opt for frequent small purchases instead of infrequent larger ones. Along the lines of delaying purchases to gain additional happiness from the anticipation of something, Clements’ book teaches us another thing we can do to gain more happiness from the things we purchase: Opt for frequent smaller purchases instead of infrequent larger ones. As stated above, we adjust to things in life relatively quickly. In order to gain more happiness from our purchases we may need to make more purchases overall. Since it isn’t feasible or financially responsible to buy expensive things all the time, it is better to choose to buy smaller things more often instead of one large big thing every blue moon. For example, instead of buying 4 things on Amazon at one time when you get paid, purchase 1 item a week.

My point? There are a milieu of hidden gems in Clements’ book How to Think About Money, but I loved these 4 tips on ways to spend money that could increase our happiness. What do you think? Which tips might you use?