disability insurance

5 Things To Do Financially In The Month of July:

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July 1st is a big day in the medical world. It’s when graduating medical students start their first day as doctors, and experienced resident physicians get “promoted” with more responsibilities and a pay raise to match. Whether you’re in the medical field or not, the start of July marks the halfway point of the year and can be a great time to re-evaluate your finances and make any necessary changes. Here are 5 things we should all be sure to do in July:

1. Create a spending plan. For the interns who are now getting paid, the residents physicians experiencing a salary increase, or the attending docs that have more money than they ever have before, now is the time to create a spending plan. Going from barely having any money to a steady [large] paycheck can be exciting. However, if you don’t manage your money wisely, you may find that your money is gone sooner than you think or realize that you wasted it on things you didn’t need. Having a spending plan can help prevent this from happening. It’s having a basic outline of the things you need to purchase and reserving money for other things that may be important to you, without going overboard. It’s determining which bills and other costs you need to cover each month (rent, electricity, internet, car insurance, etc) and thinking about how much money you also need to set aside for other things like groceries, gas, personal grooming, etc. The goal is to figure out the max amount you can afford to spend on certain items each month so that you never have an issue paying your bills and have also managed to save money for other priorities and still have some money left over to enjoy.

2. Make sure you have insurance. You can try your best to plan for certain life events and expenses, but you can’t predict everything. For large expenses that we can’t predict, we need to have insurance in place to cover those costs. Although signing up for insurance may not be the most exciting task to complete, it’s absolutely essential. We all need some form of medical insurance to cover basic health expenses, prescription costs, and any hospital bills. We also need long term disability insurance so that we have income security in case we get diagnosed with an illness or get an accident that precludes us from working at our full capacity. Lastly, those with families or other people who rely on their income also need term-life insurance so that their families have a means of financial support if they happen to die before they have become financially independent.  

3. Get a handle on your student loans. Many people have student loans. Physicians who are in residency or young professionals who work for non-profit hospitals and public institutions may qualify for public service loan forgiveness (PSLF) or some other type of student loan forgiveness plan. In order to sign up for this program or ensure that your payments over the last 12 months were properly counted, it is essential that you complete the employer certification form each year. Anyone with federal student loans may also want to consider signing up for an income driven repayment plan like PAYE or REPAYE so that your monthly payments are based on your income instead of a much higher amount that you may not be able to afford. Those who are already enrolled in an income driven repayment plan must complete the mandatory annual recertification to remain in the same plan each year. Once you determine a repayment plan and re-certify any forms, it may also make sense to have your monthly payments automatically withdrawn from your bank account. Many loan servicers will even lower your interest rate if you sign up for these automatic payments.  

4. Pay down your debt. For those who want to build wealth and become less reliant on each paycheck, it’s imperative that you prioritize paying off your debt. Many people accumulated credit card debt in their early twenties or have used credit cards to cover moving expenses, furniture costs, or previous vacations. Other people may have taken out car loans or borrowed money from other sources to make ends meet. Although it may not be feasible to pay all of our debt off instantly, it’s important to come up with a feasible payment schedule to get rid of the debt sooner rather than later. Simply paying the minimum amount each month will cause us to pay a lot of extra money in interest and may really impede our ability to build wealth and financial security. Making a goal of having at least one of our credit cards or loans completely paid off within the next 12 months might be a decent place to start.

5. Start investing. Part of adulting means setting aside money for retirement, creating a savings account and investing money in a way that helps build your net worth. Many people have elaborate investment plans or try to play the exhausting game of picking individual stocks to purchase. While that may work for them, investing doesn’t have to be complicated. You can start by funding your employer-sponsored retirement account and a Roth IRA (or backdoor Roth IRA). Simply choose a percentage of your income you want to contribute towards retirement (ideally, you’d want to start off around 10%) and choose to invest the money in various index funds or a target retirement fund that invests your money in thousands of different stocks and bonds. When I started residency, I prioritized paying off debt and only contributed about 5% to retirement. Once I paid off the debt, I drastically increased that percentage and started fully funding my emergency fund and other savings.

My point? If you want to ensure you’re on the road to financial stability and independence, start by completing the 5 steps above.


In the Midst of the Coronavirus: Buy Disability Insurance!

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As COVID 19 continues to spread throughout the country and leave lasting impacts on our economy, many of us are trying our best to cope with the changes. While this can take a huge toll on our mental health and leave us unsure of our next move, there’s one thing we need to do in the midst of the chaos: BUY LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE. Here are 6 things you need to know about disability insurance during this COVID 19 crisis:

  1. Disability insurance helps to protect your income. The purpose of long-term disability insurance is to protect your income in case you become disabled or unable to work due to a physical or mental illness. This means if you get sick (i.e. with coronavirus, depression from the virus, or some other ailment) and are unable to work at your full capacity or generate your normal revenue, disability insurance will kick-in and help supplement your income until you recover and get back on your feet.

2. Many doctors are rushing to get it. As healthcare workers, we take care of patients who may have the virus and have come into contact with many others who have been exposed. With the nationwide shortage of personal protective equipment, we may be even more vulnerable to contracting the virus, or being an asymptomatic carrier of the virus than we realize. Due to our increased risk of exposure, many doctors, especially those who work in the Emergency Department or the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) have been rushing to get disability insurance. They want to make sure that their income is protected in the unfortunate possibility that they contract the virus or acquire a mental health disorder from treating others with the virus that could impact their income.

3. Pricing hasn’t changed & there are discounts available. Despite the risk of Coronavirus infection, the price of disability insurance hasn’t increased. In fact, many insurance companies are still offering a 10-20% discount to newer doctors who are still in residency training programs or fellowships. Plus, female attending physicians and a few resident physicians can still get unisex policies that will prevent them from paying more for disability insurance than their male counterparts. Although these unique features may only be available in certain areas from a select group of carriers, they can save so much money that they are worth seeking out. Remember, the cost of disability insurance varies by state as companies have realized that your risk of becoming disabled is increased or decreased if you live in certain areas. A policy in Georgia is much cheaper than a policy in California.

4. Companies are still accepting new applications. I called my insurance agent, Pradeep Audho from PKA Insurance Group, to follow up on some paperwork for my own on disability insurance policy. During our conversation, he mentioned something I found surprising: although more doctors were trying to secure disability insurance, the application process had not changed. There was no hold on claims or freeze on new applications even with Coronavirus spreading. The process itself is similar, if not easier than before. To get started, you just reach out to an insurance agent who can help you determine your desired policy amount and any added protections (or riders) you may need, such as extra payments to cover student loans, partial disability coverage, and a cost-of-living adjuster, etc.

5. The process of approval is easier than before. Despite the chaos, it’s easier to get approved now than it used to be. Once you figure out the payout and features of your desired policy, the insurance company will then assess your risk of getting disabled so they can determine the specific price to charge you for the policy. One way they assess your risk is by inquiring about your medical history. Many companies used to require a detailed medical exam for any policy with a payout greater than $6000 a month. Nowadays, things are much easier.  Most people can skip the detailed medical exam and get approved by filling out an online or telephone medical questionnaire for any policy that pays you up to $120,000 a year. While the process could change in the future, as of 3/30/2020 the process is the same as before, if not easier.

6. You can still get coverage, so get it now! The Coronavirus pandemic has been a sobering reminder that our health is not guaranteed. Although we may feel fine today, all workers need some form of long-term disability insurance to supplement their income in case they fall ill for an extended period of time and aren’t able to work at the capacity they used to. Companies are still accepting applications, many agents are offering discounts, and the process is easier than before.. If you’re unsure of where to look you can start with PKA Insurance Group or browse the list of trusted agents on the White Coat Investor page. You can also view prior articles on Disability Insurance and skim the 9 things I learned when I bought my own policy. Although we have lot on our plate, take a few minutes to apply for it now.

***Bonus: You may want to consider term-life insurance as well. As a single person with no children or family members who rely on my income, I don’t yet have an individual term-life insurance policy. However, I recognize that I’m in the minority. Many doctors have children and spouses who’s yearly expenses and savings goals are largely dependent on their doctor income. If this is the case for you, consider term-life insurance as well. Just like disability insurance, you can seek help from an insurance agent who will give you some price quotes. Plus, many policies with a payout under $5 million no longer require a detailed medical exam. The only change in the life insurance process is that insurance companies are taking a little longer before they confirm your policy. As of March 30, 2020, insurance companies may be hesitant to approve your policy if you have traveled internationally within the last 60 days and may require a 30-day waiting period if you have recently been exposed to the virus. Although there are a few more hold ups with term-life insurance than there are with long-term disability insurance, they are both worth looking into. In the midst of this crisis, be sure you’re protecting yourself, and your [future] income.


Quick Guide For Managing Loans, Insurances, and Budgets


Of note, this article was originally published on Doximity’s Op-Med for resident physicians.


As resident physicians who work crazy hours, we have a lot on our plate. With so many competing responsibilities, it can be difficult to balance our personal lives with our careers and some things may inevitably fall by the wayside. While there are many things we can put off for another month or even another year, our finances shouldn’t be one of them. Here’s a financial check list of three things you must do to make sure you’re on the right track: 

Have a concrete plan for your student loans

Figuring out what to do with your student loans can seem a bit overwhelming. Here are a few steps to help you navigate through the madness.

  1. Decide whether or not to consolidate or refinance your loans. Consolidation is when you combine all your loans into one giant loan and this can usually be done through the federal government. Refinancing is when you combine your loans with a private company outside of the federal government. Refinancing your loans usually allows you to get a lower interest rate on which can save you money over time but it makes you ineligible for several government loan forgiveness programs like public service loan forgiveness (PSLF). Since I’m enrolled in PSLF, I chose to consolidate my loans through the government instead of refinancing them with a private company.

  2. Pick a repayment plan that you can afford. If you have federal student loans, you will be automatically enrolled into the standard repayment plan. This plan may require a higher monthly payment than you can afford. If this is the case for you, as it was for me, switch into one of the income driven repayment plans that cap your student loan payment at 10-15% of your discretionary income.

  3. Sign up for public service loan forgiveness if your residency qualifies. Enrolling into the program isn’t binding and may give you the chance to get tens of thousands of dollars in student loans forgiven, tax free. Take five minutes out of your day and submit the form to officially enroll, if your resident program meets the qualifications.

Make sure you have insurance

Many of us didn’t think much about insurance in medical school. We probably had health insurance from our parents or our schools and didn’t worry about anything else. Now that we’re out in the “real world,” here are three things to do to make sure we are thoroughly protected in residency: 

  1. Verify that you have medical insurance. Even though most of us are young and healthy, we still need health insurance. Whether it’s for yearly checkups, acute illnesses, the birth of a baby, prescriptions, or unforeseen injuries, we have to make sure we’re protected and have an affordable way to cover these costs. As residents, most of us should get free or low-cost coverage through our programs. Just make sure you’re enrolled.

  2. Get disability insurance. After taking out loans and spending most of our 20s in school, let’s make sure that our income is protected. If we get in an accident, are diagnosed with an illness, or simply have an injury that prevents us from working to our full capacity, disability insurance will kick in and give us money to replace the income we may have lost. Group disability insurance policies through our residencies usually don’t have enough coverage or adequate protection. I purchased an individual specialty-specific disability insurance policy that will pay out $4,000 a month if I am unable to work at 100% capacity as a resident. The policy will increase and pay out $12,000 a month when I become an attending.

  3. Decide if you need life insurance. Life insurance pays money to our families if we were to pass away. While many of us have a life expectancy well into the 80s, life can be unpredictable. If something were to happen to us, we’d want to make sure our family was taken care of. As a resident, many of us have a small life insurance policy from our employers, but if you have a spouse or kids who depend on your income, that group policy may not be enough. You may need to purchase additional term life insurance.

Create a monthly spending plan

As resident physicians, life is much different now than it was when we were medical students. Instead of getting one lump sum of money each semester, we now get paid on a consistent basis. In order to make sure we’re not spending too much money and are actually saving a decent amount for emergencies, paying down debt, retirement, and vacations, it’s imperative that we implement a spending plan. I categorize my spending into 3 buckets: 

  1. Things I need to buy, which are necessities like rent, bills, and food.

  2. Things I want to buy, which are discretionary entertainment expenses like concert tickets, movies, books, meals at restaurants, or clothes.

  3. Things I should buy, which are investments I make to increase my net worth whether that’s by paying down debt, saving money into a separate account, or investing toward retirement.

Simply allot a percentage of your check to each of these three buckets to make sure you’re living within your means and making responsible spending choices. 

To summarize, getting your finances in order doesn’t have to be difficult. Have a concrete plan for your student loans by deciding whether or not to consolidate or refinance your loans, enrolling into an affordable repayment plan, and signing up for PSLF. Next, make sure you have all the insurance you need like medical insurance, disability insurance, and life insurance. Lastly, create a spending plan to ensure that you’re paying your bills, increasing your net worth, and investing in your own self-care. 


9 Things I learned when I purchased disability insurance

As an incoming resident physician, I need disability insurance. Although a group policy is offered through my employer, it doesn’t provide enough coverage to adequately cover my monthly expenses or insure my future income. Thus, I purchased an individual long-term disability insurance policy. This is what I discovered:


1.     Disability Insurance is expensive. Quotes from different companies from $100-250 per month.  Apparently, a substantial number of people use disability insurance, so companies raise the price to cover the payouts and ensure they aren’t losing money. Many companies offer “graduated” premiums (which allows clients to pay a reduced monthly premium for a few years in exchange for a higher premium later in life) to make it more affordable. I still opted for a “level premium” with a set rate and it’s $110 a month.

2.     The definition of disability is important. The definition of disability is variable. Some people might consider themselves disabled if they can’t work full-time, while others may only consider themselves disabled if they are unable to work at all. The broader the definition of disability, the harder it is to claim the benefit. Physicians need “own-occupation” disability insurance so that if we are unable to meet the specific demands of our own specialty (i.e. Surgery) we will get compensated, even if we can technically still do the work of another specialty (i.e. Family medicine). As a family medicine resident who plans to specialize in sports medicine, I still opted for an own-occupation definition of disability.   

3.     Gender bias is real. Disability insurance is more expensive for women than it is for men. Insurance companies claim that women are more likely to get disabled and seek payout from disability insurance (due to factors like pregnancy) so they charge us more for it. To avoid paying such high premiums, I purchased a “unisex” policy (which is the same price for men and women). These policies offer similar coverage and tend to be cheaper than gender-based policies for women.

4.     Some companies are better than others. When I contacted a few disability insurance brokers, I realized that one company was vastly cheaper than the others. Mass Mutual was the only company that offered an individual unisex disability insurance policy for female resident physicians. Since unisex policies are cheaper for women than gender-specific policies, the monthly premium for disability insurance from Mass Mutual was vastly cheaper than any other company. On the flip side, Principal offers discounted gender-specific policies for men, so many male residents purchased individual disability insurance policies through that company instead.

5.     Certain “riders” or added protections are essential. When I shopped for disability insurance, I had the option to buy additional protections. As a resident physicians with high-income potential there were 3 main riders I needed: 1) a cost-of-living-adjustment rider (so that my payout will increase with inflation each year), 2) a residual & recovery rider (so that I am compensated for any partial disability until I am back to my full productivity), and 3) a future purchase option (so that I can purchase more disability insurance after residency when my salary increases without having to re-qualify or pay a much higher price). Since I have a substantial amount of student loans, I also purchased a student loan rider so that if I get disabled before I pay off my debt, the disability insurance policy will pay me an extra $1700 for up to 10 years to cover my student loan payments.

6.     There is a limit on how much individual disability insurance we can buy. By law, resident physicians can only purchase an individual disability insurance policy with a max benefit of $5,000 per month. (They don’t want to incentivize us to become disabled by compensating us more than our current salary). We can purchase more disability insurance as attending physicians, but we need to have an individual disability insurance policy as residents so that we are fully covered now and can upgrade our coverage later for a cheaper price.

7.     It’s cheaper if you’re healthy. As I filled out the disability insurance policy application, I answered a TON of personal questions. Insurance companies take a very thorough history to determine our risk of being disabled in the future. I was asked about my own medical history and that of my family. They wanted to know if I had broken any bones, got in any recent car accidents, and whether I had ever smoked cigarettes. I was also asked if I had plans to travel out of the country or engaged in any high-risk behaviors like rock climbing or sky-diving. They wondered if I had ever gotten pregnant and the result of my last “wellness check” from the physician. Because I was young and healthy, my rate remained low.

8.     The price varies by state. I currently live in Florida, but I will begin residency in Atlanta, GA. Apparently, my disability insurance premiums are lower with my Georgia address than they are when I use my Florida address. Insurance companies look at hobbies, accident rates, and other data and determined that we pose a greater or smaller risk to them depending on where we live. California is one of the most expensive places, Georgia is one of the cheapest.

9.     Be wary of group policies through professional organizations. As physicians, we can buy into the group disability insurance policy through the American Medical Association or our specialty-specific organization. These policies seem cheaper and looked enticing. However, after doing some research I saw several drawbacks. First, the premium was not “level,” meaning the cost of policy could increase every few years as I aged. Secondly, they did not offer sufficient “future purchase options” so I couldn’t upgrade my coverage as often as I’d like (i.e. when my salary increased as attending physician). Lastly, buying into these group policies would negate or significantly reduce the payout from any disability insurance coverage I already have from my residency. Group policies usually cancel each other out, individual policies do not.  

Bonus: Many residents are eligible for the guaranteed standard issue policy at their institution. Every doctor needs their own individual long-term disability insurance policy. However, there is a special version of policy available to many pysicians-in-training. It’s called the guaranteed standard issue (GSI) policy and it allows physicians-in-training to get their own individual long-term disabiity insurance policy for a lower rate and with guaranteed approval. They get to skip the medical underwriting portion of the application can instead be guaranteed approval at a lower rate. Unfortunately, many insurance agents don’t tell clients about this policy so be sure to ask about it. These GSI policies are usually available to residents, fellows, and other physicians who just finish training with the past l3 months.

My point? Disability insurance is a must for resident physicians. It’s a bit expensive, especially for females, but we can get around that issue by purchasing a unisex policy and/or opting for a graduated premium. When we buy this insurance, we need a definition of disability specific to our own specialty, with the 3 main riders for complete coverage. Purchasing this policy in residency is cheaper and gives us the protection we need. Be mindful of what address you use on the application since the price varies by state and remember that group policies through professional organizations may be insufficient.


Disability Insurance 101: why you need it, what to include in your policy, and how to purchase it

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When we’re first starting our careers, our focus is trying to advance and increase our pay. With our tight budgets, one of the last things on our mind is paying for added insurance. Trust me, I get it. However, as [future] high-income earners, long-term disability insurance is essential. It may not be at the top of our priority list, but it should be.


What is it and who needs it?


Unless you are already financially independent or were lucky enough to have a trust fund in your name, disability insurance is a must. Although we’d like to think we’re invincible, we are not. If some unfortunate event occurred that caused you to become disabled and prevented you from doing your job, you’d still need a way to support yourself. You can’t predict whether you’ll be disabled in the future so you must insure against that risk right now.

You may be tempted to wait to purchase this coverage when you make more money, but I’d caution you against that. The younger, healthier, and earlier in your career you are, the more you need disability insurance. You have your whole life ahead of you with decades of potential high earnings, long-term disability insurance protects you in case this were to change.


Do you still need it if you have a group policy through your employer?

More than likely. Long-term disability insurance may be offered by your employer, but that policy may not offer sufficient coverage. Most employer group policies only pay out 60% of your income if you get disabled, up to a certain maximum per month. The amount they provide may not be enough to cover your monthly expenses, pay back your student loans, and still allow you to save for retirement. As a rule of thumb, the higher your salary, the more likely you are to need an individual long-term disability insurance policy, outside of your employer.

Secondly, group policies may be less likely to pay out if you do become disabled because their definition of disability may be too broad. In other words, it may be harder to meet your job’s definition of disability to even apply to receive the benefit. For example, you may consider yourself disabled because you can’t do your current (high-paying) job as well, but the insurance company might deem you able to do some other (lower-paying) job and refuse to pay out, leaving you to deal with the decrease in pay on your own. You want to protect yourself against that risk by getting your own individual long-term disability insurance policy.

Some people may be able to purchase a group disability insurance policy through certain professional organizations. Although these policies seem enticing, they can have several drawbacks. The premium may not be “level,” meaning the cost of the policy may increase every few years as you age, eventually costing you a substantial amount as you get older. It also may not offer sufficient future-purchase options that allow you to upgrade your coverage as your salary increases.


What to look for in a good policy?

A good individual long-term disability insurance policy has 3 components: enough coverage, a specific definition of disability tailored to your own occupation, and additional riders for added protection. Let me explain.

Along with enough coverage and a specific definition of disability catered to your [high-paying] job, you also need to purchase disability insurance “riders.” Riders are added protections you pay for to ensure that you have all the coverage you need. Examples of riders you should consider purchasing are the: cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) rider so that your payout will increase with inflation each year, residual and recovery rider so that you are compensated for any partial disability until you are back to your full productivity, and a future purchase option so you can purchase more disability insurance if your salary increases without being denied or charged outlandish rates because of your age or medical conditions.  


How do you purchase it?

As a graduating medical student, I knew I needed disability insurance. I emailed a few vetted brokers/agents that had a track record of working with high-income professionals and entered some basic information on their websites to get quotes. Once I found a policy that had the benefit I wanted with the riders I needed and an own-occupation form of disability, I then chose the cheapest policy.

The insurance agent asked me a bunch of medical questions as he filled out the application on my behalf. He inquired about my hobbies, medical history, and travel plans to discern my “disability risk” as requested on the form from the insurance company. I then reviewed the information in a secure portal and signed the form online. I was approved within 24 hours.

Are there any good deals for doctors?

Yes! Many physicians-in-training qualify for something called the guaranteed standard issue (GSI) policy at their residency or fellowship training program. The GSI policy not only gives you a discount on the price but it also guarantees you will get approved. Most disability insurance comapnies will assess your risk for being disabeled in the future by asking about your personal and family medical history. If you have a chronic condition, have had a series health scare in the past, or have a benign condition like an essential tremor they could deny you coverage. This is not the case with a GSI policy. Everyone who submits and application can get approved. Since these policies don’t require any “medical underwriting” or extensive approval process they are a great option for physicians who are still in training and looking for an individual disability insurance policy at a lower rate.


To summarize: Disability insurance is a must-have for high-income professionals. We can’t predict what may happen in the future so we owe it to ourselves to get insurance that will “protect our income” just in case we were unable to work for some reason. Oftentimes, group policies from our employer are helpful but not sufficient. We need an individual own-occupation disability insurance policy with extra riders until we become financially independent. Be aware that you may be able to get the guaranteed standard issue policy at your training institution which is a great option for many people. If you don’t already have a policy, I encourage you to get one today.

Tell me, was this helpful? What additional information about disability insurance would you still like to know?


Types of Insurance We All Need (in addition to health insurance)

Many of us are young and healthy with our entire lives ahead of us. As we continue to progress in life, we need to make sure we are doing so with the right protection. In other words, we need insurance. I don’t just mean medical coverage and car insurance though. Let me explain.


1.     Almost everyone needs long-term disability insurance. Unless you have a huge trust fund, enough passive income to completely cover your monthly expenses, or enough retirement savings to deem yourself financially independent, you need disability insurance. Why? Because if some unfortunate event were to occur that prevented you from working, you’d still need a way to support yourself. Disability insurance guarantees you a certain monthly income if you were to get fully or partly disabled, suffer from some medical illness, or get into an accident that prevented you from working your job. Since you can’t predict whether you’ll be disabled in the future, you need to insure against that risk right now. The younger, healthier, and earlier in your career you are, the more important it is to have disability insurance.

Although long-term disability insurance may be provided through your employer, group policies from your employer may not offer sufficient coverage. The payout from your employer is usually capped at a certain amount and may not fully replace your income. Plus, group policies may be less likely to pay out if you do become disabled because their definition of disability may be too broad. In other words, it may be harder to meet their definition of “disabled” and thus you may be less likely to receive the benefit when you need it. My point? Most high-income young professionals should purchase an individual, long-term disability insurance policy outside of their employer.


2.     You may also need life insurance. Life insurance guarantees a portion of your salary to your spouse or dependents should you pass away sooner than expected. This is critical if someone else depends on the money you make. I will be honest and say that as a single female with no kids, I don’t have an individual life insurance policy. However, if I get married to someone who is dependent on my income or have kids, it will be one of the first things I purchase.

There are two types of life insurance: whole life insurance and term life insurance. Term life insurance provides a benefit to your family if you die during the term of the policy (usually 30 years). Whole life insurance provides a benefit to your dependents regardless of when you die. Whole life insurance may sound more appealing, but you may want to think twice before purchasing it. Unlike term life insurance, whole life insurance is insanely expensive (about 10x more than term insurance), has a lot of hidden fees, and is unnecessary for many high-income earners who can provide money to their families in a more efficient manner.

My point? Most people need term life insurance to make sure their families don’t struggle financially if they were to die sooner than expected (within the next 20-30 years). If you were to die after that time, then you should hopefully have enough money saved (via retirement accounts and other high-yield investments) to take care of your family.


3.     Some professionals need malpractice/liability insurance. Most physicians are familiar with this type of insurance and most non-physicians don’t have to worry about it, but even still, I think it deserves a quick blurb. Malpractice insurance protects you in case you make a mistake at work that severely impacts someone else’s quality of life. You want to ensure that the patients or clients you work with can’t sue you and take everything you own. The ideal amount of liability insurance depends on your career specialty and other risk factors that put you at increased or decreased risk of being sued.

There are two main types of malpractice policies you can purchase: a “claims” policy and an “occurrence” policy. Claims policies cover you if someone files a claim against you during a certain period of time or while you work for a certain organization. The downside is that if someone waits to file a claim against you when you no longer work for that company, then a claims policy will not cover you. On the other hand, an occurrence policy covers you for any event that “occurred” during the time frame you were at the organization or under the policy. With an occurrence policy, if someone waits years to sue you then you are still covered because the action in the suit “occurred” during the time you were covered under the policy. As you can imagine, occurrence policies are more expensive but offer much better coverage. If you are working a job that only offers a claims policy, then you need to make sure you have what’s called a “tail” (added protection that will cover you in case someone sues you after you’ve changed jobs).

My point? Consider getting malpractice or liability insurance. The best kind is an occurrence policy, however, that is also the most expensive. If your job already covers the cost of a “claims” liability insurance policy, be sure to purchase “tail” coverage so that you have liability insurance after you change jobs.


4.     Consider adding an umbrella insurance policy to supplement your car and home insurance . While liability insurance covers you if someone sues you for something you did at work, umbrella insurance covers you in case you’re sued for something you did outside of work (i.e. civil disputes, business deals, etc.). For example, umbrella insurance can pay for your legal fees if your dog bites someone in the neighborhood, you accidentally injure someone at a social function, or some toddler gets injured at your child’s birthday party. It also acts as additional automobile and homeowner’s insurance. Although umbrella insurance doesn’t cover your own injuries or damages to your own property, it does protect you and cover your legal fees from harm you may cause to someone else.

Since umbrella insurance is added insurance, you can only purchase it after you have already purchased a certain amount of automobile or homeowner’s insurance. As a rule of thumb, umbrella insurance is purchased in benefit increments of a million dollars and it is usually best to purchase enough to fully cover your net worth (including the value of all your assets and potential future income). A policy with a benefit coverage of $1 million usually costs $100-$300 a year.  


To summarize, get insurance and enough of it. In addition to medical coverage, car insurance and homeowner’s insurance, most high-income professionals need disability insurance if they themselves are dependent on the income they receive from their jobs. They also need term life insurance if someone else, like a spouse or kids, is dependent on their income. Malpractice/liability insurance is useful in case someone tries to sue you for something you did at work and an umbrella insurance policy protects your net worth from unforeseen lawsuits outside of work. As [future] high-income young professionals, it is imperative that you get the insurance you need to protect yourself and your net worth.