Plan for the Unexpected


If there’s one thing I’ve learned as an adult it’s that sometimes things just happen. You may think you are on track with your career, your finances, or your personal life, but life has a way of surprising us. Sometimes these unplanned events are good. We get a promotion at work, another stimulus check from the government, or an impromptu visit from a friend we haven’t seen in a long time. But other times, these surprises are major problems we couldn’t have predicted or avoided, especially when it comes to finances.

You may be costing along, saving and investing a certain percentage of money and then something unexpected happens. Your car breaks down, your laptop dies, or something urgent comes up that requires your time, attention, and money. Up until a few years ago, these unwelcome occurrences would get me down and make me anxious. I’m a planner who would get frazzled whenever things deviated from how I envisioned.

In order to decrease my anxiety, and feel better prepared, I needed to start planning for these inconveniences, at least the financial ones. I used to just rely on my emergency fund, but then I realized I was needing to dip into that fund a little too often, so I had to put a better plan in place.

My solution was 3-fold:

  1. Cut back on unnecessary spending elsewhere. I re-examined my budget and tried to think about ways I could cut back. For me, it was decreasing the amount of money I spent each month on food and wine, especially when I’d travel out of town. I set a preliminary spending limit every time I went to a restaurant so that I wouldn’t go overboard. I also began to cook more at home and was more diligent about searching for discounts whenever I’d travel out of town.

  2. Set extra money aside each month. For me it was $200. Whenever I got paid I’d automatically plan for $200 to be gone in “incidentals.” If I didn’t have to spend the money one month then I could use it however I pleased but if I did need to spend the money then at least doing so wouldn’t totally wreck my budget. Having money set aside for these unexpected expenses made me less stressed when things would come up.

  3. Increased my income. While I was waiting to see if I’d get a raise at my main job, I took matters into my own hands. How? By trying to make more money from other income sources. Whether it was working extra shifts at the clinic or trying to monetize my hobbies and side hustles, I tried to increase my income so that unexpected expenses wouldn’t totally destroy my budget and savings goals each month.

Do you also have added expenses that come up each month that throw you off your game?

If so, the solution isn’t to just charge the expenses on a credit card and hope to pay off the card someday. You may want to adopt a plan similar to mine so that you are more proactive and less reactive when/if these unexpected expenses occur.